We are inviting you to be part of our life-changing projects.
Mandela Day 2016
Make a SAME Foundation community upliftment project part of you Mandela Day plans this year. Not only will you and your team be able to make a real difference to children’s lives on Mandela Day, but your funds go directly to the project that you are working on. This allows us to complete another strategic community project which benefits the lives of thousands of South Africans.
The SAME Foundation host Mandela Day activities for organisations who contribute towards our projects. The donation requirement to attend our Mandela Day activities is R25 000, and you will be able to bring a team of your staff along. The donation not only covers the supplies and equipment on the actual day, but goes towards the project as a whole.
Gauteng: Sgodiphola Secondary School in Cosmo City
Sgodiphola Secondary School is an extension of our Tirisano-Mmogo Primary School project, which means we are giving the children in the community access to quality education from grade R to Matric. The project focuses on the improvement of infrastructure, resources and training in Literacy, Computer Literacy, Science and Maths. The Mandela Day aspect adds immense value through improving the other classrooms at the school, in conjunction with the project outcomes of science labs and a computer centre.
Western Cape: Manzomthombo Secondary School in Mfuleni
Manzomthombo Secondary School is our flagship project in Cape Town, Western Cape. We are focusing on a whole-school revitalisation, meaning that our Mandela Day activities have a direct impact on the project.
If you would like to be part of this initiative, please email: tyrone@samefoundation.org.za and we will get back to you with more information.
Update: as at 20 June 2016, we still have space available for companies who would like to get involved.
What to expect (2015 photos):