Odidini Clinic (Completed, 2017)

The Odidini Clinic is a primary health care facility, located in the Umbumbulu District of the Kwazulu-Natal Department of Health. The hospital provides a comprehensive range of medical services to people in the Odidini, Embo, Thoyane, KwaMakhanya, KwaMahleka, Itshehlope, Ndumezulu and surrounding communities. Odidini Clinic sees an average of 4000 patients each month and has a 7% increase in patients annually.

Due to the infrastructure for a smaller community, the clinic could not cope with the current patient load, but it also meant that it was not built with adequate ventilation to prevent cross infection of TB and other airborne infectious diseases. There was such an extreme lack of usable furniture and medical equipment that nurses were bringing furniture from their homes in order to continue providing health services from this Clinic.

The SAME Foundation was approached by the Kwazulu-Natal Department of Health to assist with this emergency project and we took it upon ourselves to complete this task in the shortest possible time. In 2017, the SAME Foundation worked on renovations, construction, and furnishing new furniture and medical equipment needed to ensure that the facility was fully equipped.

Cape Town Johannesburg

Tel: 086 122 2379



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