The Mitchells Plain Hospital services some of the poorest communities of the Western Cape and includes Mitchells Plain, Browns Farm, Strandfontein, Crossroads and Mandalay. The hospital was originally built to deal with a catchment area of 150 000 people. This area has now grown to 1.5 million people. Currently the hospital treats +/- 1000 patients per day.

The Global Fund and The Western Cape Health Department have partnered for the funding of a new Emergency Centre at the Mitchells Plain hospital which will treat on average 130 patients per day. This can double over public holidays and the Festive season. The emergency centre is essential for the community of Mitchell’s Plain at this time as GF Jooste hospital cannot cope with its needs. One of the major problems incurred is a lack of, or insufficient medical equipment. Patients have an extremely long waiting period before being attended to or are moved to larger Hospitals. This not only causes undue delays in treatment resulting in a higher mortality rate but causes unnecessary congestion at the larger State Institutions. The list of equipment needed for the Trauma room is extensive and urgent.

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