Mitchells Plain CHC services some of the poorest communities of the Western Cape and includes Mitchells Plain, Browns Farm, Strandfontein, Crossroads and Mandalay. The hospital was originally built to deal with a catchment area of 150 000 people, this area has now grown to 1.5 million people. Currently the hospital treats +/- 1000 patients per day. Due to the high incidence of HIV/AIDS and TB in the area the hospital is one of the designated ARV clinics in the Western Cape. This ARV clinic currently sees to 2670 registered patients with an increase of +-25 new patients per month. We have an extremely high TB infection rate in our ARV patients who currently have to go to other facilities to be treated. This means that they have to open a file with us for HIV and a second file at another facility for their TB treatment. Being that most of our patients a unemployed or live on minimum wage and have families to support, they can’t afford all the travelling between the clinics for their treatments and are choosing not to get treated at all. This is a major problem especially for the TB patients who end up building immunity to the medication. We devised a way to incorporate TB treatment into their ART services. This will allow their existing ARV patients to get TB treatment under one roof. To do this we had to ensure that they had the right environment and medical equipment to treat these patients for TB. We donated equipment to the value of over R320 000.
Donated Equipment
Cape Town │ Johannesburg
Tel: 086 122 2379
NPO 088-199 │ SECTION 18A │ PBO 930027614