Leratong Hospital is a flagship project of SAME since 2011. The hospital serves a catchment area of over 1.2 million people. Over the years, the Foundation has made an immense improvement to healthcare delivery at the hospital, completely renovating and equipping areas such as Accident & Emergency, Walk-in Casualty, the Maternity unit, a Paediatric unit, the Neonatal unit and the Antenatal Clinic. This continues our long-term project giving quality healthcare to communities that need it the most.

The Problem

Leratong hospital’s paediatric often runs at over capacity, a common crisis that we find at hospitals serving a large catchment area. This causes a crisis situation where there are more children than the hospital has equipment for. Children often have to share equipment, which creates a threat of cross-infection and disease outbreaks. The facility is aged and urgently needs infrastructure modernisation and vital medical equipment. Ward 3 sees on average 1000 patients a year, and doctors and nurses are in dire need of an area that is hygienic so that they can deliver the appropriate medical care needed.

The Solution

SAME will completely renovate and equip the Paediatric Ward (Ward 3). Once complete, it will be an exceptional area to alleviate the pressure of over-capacity, reduce cross-infection and deliver exceptional healthcare to children in the community. The new unit will be fully equipped with the latest medical technology according to the needs of the doctors and nurses serving in the facility. This will ensure that they have access to the necessary equipment to do their jobs effectively.

Project Status

We have acquired the funds for renovations and are accepting donations towards equipping the unit.


Cape Town Johannesburg

Tel: 086 122 2379



NPO 088-199 SECTION 18A PBO 930027614